The LM2672 series of regulators are monolithic integrated circuits built with a LMDMOS process. These regulators provide all the active functions for a step-down (buck) switching regulator, capable of driving a 1A load current with excellent line and load regulation. These devices are available in fixed output voltages of 3.3V, 5.0V, 12V, and an adjustable output version
The ST2S06A33 and ST2S06B are dual stepdown DC-DC converters optimized for powering low-voltage digital cores in ODD applications and, generally, to replace high current linear solutions when the power dissipation may cause high heating of the application environment. It provides up to 0.5 A over an input voltage range of 2.5 V to 5.5 V.
The SC4201 is a multiphase link controller designed for isolated and non-isolated applications. Its operating frequency can be programmed to exceed 2MHz per phase (oscillator frequency = phase frequency multiplied by the number of phases 3 or 4), and can be easily synchronized with external, faster frequencies.
The LT8580 is a PWM DC/DC converter containing an internal 1A, 65V switch. It comes in a miniature thermal enhanced 3mm x 3mm 8-pin DFN and 8-pin MSOP package.
The ADR280 is a 1.2V band-gap core benchmark with excellent line conditioning and power suppression, designed for applications that experience a large number of dynamic power changes, and it is available in compact 3-pin SOT-23 and SC70 packages. The equipment is suitable for extended industrial temperature ranges from −40°C to +85°C.
The MIC59P60 serial-input latched driver is a high-voltage (80V), high-current (500mA) integrated circuit comprised of eight CMOS data latches, a bipolar Darlington transistor driver for each latch, and CMOS control circuitry for the common CLEAR, STROBE, CLOCK, SERIAL DATA INPUT, and OUTPUT ENABLE functions. Similar to the MIC5842, additional protection circuitry supplied on this device includes thermal shutdown, under voltage lockout (UVLO), and overcurrent shutdown.
The CS5460A is a highly integrated power measurement solution that combines two analog-to-digital converters (ADCs), high-speed power computing capabilities, and a serial interface on a single chip. In automatic startup mode, the CS5460A reads calibration data and startup instructions from an external EEPROM. In this mode, the CS5460A can be operated without a microcontroller to reduce the total bill of materials cost.
The AD842 is a member of the Analog Devices, Inc. family of wide bandwidth operational amplifiers. This device is fabricated using the Analog Device junction isolated complementary bipolar (CB) process. This process permits a combination of dc precision and wideband ac performance previously unobtainable in a monolithic op amp. In addition to its 80 MHz gain bandwidth product, the AD842 offers extremely fast settling characteristics, typically settling to within 0.01% of final value in less than 100 ns for a 10 V step
The TLV2231 is a low-voltage operational amplifier in the SOT-23 package. It provides 2 MHz bandwidth and a conversion rate of 1.6 V/µs for applications requiring good AC performance. The device displays rail-to-rail output performance to increase dynamic range in single or split power applications.
The LTM4622 is a complete dual 2.5A step-down switching mode µModule (powermodule) regulator in a tiny ultrathin 6.25mm × 6.25mm × 1.82mm LGA and 6.25mm × 6.25mm × 2.42mm BGA packages. Included in the package are the switching controller, power FETs, inductor and support components. Operating over an input voltage range of 3.6V to 20V, the LTM4622 supports an output voltage range of 0.6V to 5.5V, set by a single external resistor. Its high efficiency design delivers dual 2.5A continuous, 3A peak, output current. Only a few ceramic input and output capacitors are needed
MICRF001 is a single-chip OOK (ON-OFF Keyed) receiver IC for remote wireless applications using Micrel's latest QwikRadiotm technology. The device is a true "antenna in, data out" monolithic device. Because MICRF001 is a true single chip radio receiver, it is very easy to apply, minimizes design and production costs, and reduces time to market.
The TC6320 consists of high-voltage, low-threshold N-channel and P-channel MOSFETs in 8-lead SOIC and DFN packages. Both MOSFETs have integrated gate-to-source resistors and gate-to-source Zener diode clamps which are desired for high-voltage pulser applications.
The LP3982 low-dropout (LDO) CMOS linear regulator is available in 1.8V, 2.5V, 2.77V, 2.82V, 3.0V, 3.3V, and adjust- able versions. They deliver 300mA of output current. Pack- aged in an 8-Pin MSOP, the LP3982 is pin and package compatible with Maxim’s MAX8860. The LM3982 is also available in the small footprint LLP package
The AD736 is a low power, precision, monolithic true rms-todc converter. It is laser trimmed to provide a maximum error of ±0.3 mV ± 0.3% of reading with sine wave inputs. Furthermore, it maintains high accuracy while measuring a wide range of input waveforms, including variable duty-cycle pulses and triac (phase)-controlled sine waves. The low cost and small size of this converter make it suitable for upgrading the performance of non-rms precision rectifiers in many applications. Compared to these circuits, the AD736 offers higher accuracy at an equal or lower cost.
The LTC4265 is a third generation power supply device (PD) interface controller for IEEE 802.3at high Power Power over Ethernet (PoE) applications up to 25.5W. The LTC4265 PD Interface controller can be used with a variety of DC/DC converter products to provide a complete, cost-effective power solution for high-power PD applications. The LTC4265 comes in a space-saving low size (4mm by 3mm) DFN package and is compatible with the LTC4264.
BQ2407xT series equipment is an integrated lithium-ion linear charger and system power path management equipment for portable applications with limited space. The device can be operated through USB port or AC adapter, and supports charging current up to 1.5A. The input voltage range with input overvoltage protection supports non-adjustable adapters.
The LM95214 device is an 11-bit digital temperature sensor with a 2-wire System Management Bus (SMBus) interface that can very accurately monitor the temperature of four remote diodes as well as its own temperature. The four remote diodes can be external devices such as microprocessors, graphics processors that target the ideality of a 2N3904 transistor or diode-connected 2N3904s
The TLV5623 is a 8-bit voltage output digital-toanalog converter (DAC) with a flexible 4-wire serial interface. The 4-wire serial interface allows glueless interface to TMS320, SPI, QSPI, and Microwire serial ports. The TLV5623 is programmed with a 16-bit serial string containing 4 control and 8 data bits. Developed for a wide range of supply voltages, the TLV5623 can operate from 2.7 V to 5.5 V.