Avago - Optocouplers for lower power and lower supply voltage applications (ACPL-M21L-500E) | Heisener Electronics
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Avago - Optocouplers for lower power and lower supply voltage applications (ACPL-M21L-500E)

Technology Cover
포스트 날짜: 2015-09-23
Avago's 5MBd digital optocouplers are designed for lower power consumption and lower supply voltage applications. ACPL-x2xL devices consume less than 10mW without affecting signal isolation or integrity. These 5MBd optocouplers have a minimum input drive current of 1.6mA, a maximum supply current of 1.1mA, and a low supply voltage of 3.3V and a CMOS output. Compared with traditional 5MBd digital optocouplers and other products, power consumption can be greatly reduced. Up to 80% of the company said isolators on the market. Operating temperature range of -40C to 105C makes these devices ideal for industrial applications such as motor controllers, microprocessor system interfaces, high-speed line receivers, power control systems, eliminating ground loops, and isolating high-speed logic systems and computer peripherals interface.