The Texas Instruments OPAx990 low-offset, low-power operational amplifier is a high-voltage (40V) series of general-purpose operational amplifiers. These devices have excellent DC accuracy and AC performance, including rail-to-rail input / output, low offset (�� 300��V, typical), and low offset drift (�� 0.6��V / C, typical).
The device has unique features including differential and common-mode input voltage ranges for power rails, high short-circuit current (�� 80mA), high-voltage slew rate (4.5V / ��s), and off-state. These features make the device a powerful, flexible, high-performance operational amplifier suitable for high-voltage industrial applications. This series of operational amplifiers are available in miniature packages (such as X2QFN, WSON, and SOT-553) and standard packages (such as SOT-23, SOIC, and TSSOP), and are rated over the temperature range of �C40C to 125 �� C.
Typical applications include multi-channel data acquisition systems. Test and measurement equipment; ADC drivers and reference buffer amplifiers; programmable logic controllers; high- and low-side current sense; and high-precision comparators.